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Scope and Costs of my Coaching

MPU Counseling

I would gladly like to give you a fixed amount which you will have to invest to get a qualified preparation for the MPU and thus excellent prospects of a positive expertise. Please understand that such a package deal is not possible. However, I would like to tell you what financial investment you typically have to expect. To do so, it is imperative to consider in detail certain constellations.

a. Standard Case (singular cause of assessment without complications)

A MPU counseling generally consists of eight coachings, one and a half hours each, sufficient to conclude the preparation. We are confronted with the standard case if a single assessment group is given, for example if you have been asked to submit to the MPU due to an incident of drunk driving, an accumulation of points, or a drug offence. It is also pertinent if your situation does not reveal any further complications, meaning that the reasons of the faulty development can quickly and reliably be explored. This is mostly given provided that the client is sincere and that therapist and client do optimally cooperate thus ensuring an efficient coaching. If one takes the extra costs of the informative consultation, we come up with nine times 95 Euros: thus, the counseling arises to the total amount of 855 Euros. Should you follow many of my clients in treating yourself to a test examination shortly before the actual MPU, further 95 Euros have to be invested.

b. Complex Background Situation

Should it be necessary - even with only one reason of assessment - to delve deeper into the prehistory to clarify the faulty development, one or two additional sessions may be recommended. Such a constellation can arise if an intricate private problem is at the root of an alcohol driving, if a difficult and opaque professional crisis clouds the accumulation of points, or if one finds an intense involvement in the scene in the context of a drug offence. Often, this can be seen in the first informative consultation or when studying the file or a preexisting expertise, but sometimes the full picture is only revealed in the course of the counseling. Of course, I will then give you an appropriate feedback.

c. Multiple Causes of Assessment

Not all clients enjoy the privilege to manage with one assessment cause. If, for example, in addition to a DWI a driving without license or further point infringements have been recorded, or if the criminal field has been entered with acts of aggression like coercion resp. bodily harm, or if even a drug offence is pertinent, the number of sessions will accordingly go up. Although certain parts of the coaching - like the biographical module - will only turn up once, and although it may well be possible to compress the information relating to a life history, extra sessions dealing with the complexity of the additional assessment cause cannot be excluded. In simple cases four (to six) of these sessions should be sufficient. Should we, however, talk about a full extra cause, the scope of the coaching can nearly double. The MPU counseling will be even more intensive in the rare case of a triple assessment cause when problems relating to alcohol, to drugs, to traffic violations or more severe legal offences are combined. Since such cases have to be dealt with individually, it is recommended that you contact me to get an overview in the first informative consultation. You will then be told which scope and costs of a coaching are realistic.

d. Comprehensiveness and Therapeutic Concern

Sometimes, clients utter the desire to have more time in the coaching for presenting own issues, and sometimes they use the counseling to speak about more personal aspects of their life, i.e. to address a therapeutic concern. In such a context, the MPU counseling can no longer keep its very compact, informative structure which usually obtains an optimum of effect and cost-efficiency. The client receives more of service, but also the burden of extra sessions. Many clients wish this freedom. I also give an early feedback, if it turns out that the coaching is lagging behind the scheduled curriculum. Then, there is always the possibility to confine oneself to the essential and thus reach the projected number of sessions, or to choose a more liberal approach.

Finally, your life history, your ability to focus on the issues, and your wish for constraint or for the inclusion of more personal themes will decide how many session we will have to work together. I know that the money for such a qualified individual coaching has first be earned, and thus I try to bring the counseling as soon as possible to an end without sacrificing important content which might endanger the success of your examination. If we cooperate optimally, if you get involved in the coaching and if we can efficiently work in a context of trust and confidentiality, we will not only keep the envisioned number of session. You will also get a price-performance ratio which will not disappoint you.

Other Services

Apart from the MPU counseling with alcohol, points, legal offences, or drugs which occupy most of my activity, there are other services. Regarding the costs, they can clearly be narrowed down.

a. Driver's License Seminar to Reduce a Point ("Traffic-Psychological Partial Measure")

The traffic-psychological partial measure in the context of the new driver's license seminar to reduce a point costs 205 Euros and consists in two sessions 75 minutes each. This is a package deal which necessitates no exception. The amount is due in the first session.

b. Traffic-Psychological Counseling in the Probationary Period

The traffic-psychological counseling in the probationary period costs 300 Euros and contains three sessions 60 minutes each. This also is a package deal which necessitates no exception. The amount is due in the first session.

c. Informative Consultation, Test Examination, Training Sessions, Debriefing

All other session, like the informative consultation, the test examination, training sessions or a possible debriefing, will be individually liquidated, i.e. each session will amount to 95 Euros. Training sessions in the sense of individual coaching are popular, if after the counseling itself – quite recalling the classical 'cramming' – a client wishes a more sustainable consolidation of the coaching content. Usually, the client indeed takes home with his own flipchart role the results of the mutual therapeutic work. He repeatedly studies this role, learns its content and is thus optimally prepared for the examination. Sometimes, however, he returns with specific questions. Or he asks for a one or two session long summary of essential questions and answers. Especially older motorists, who have long left the years of school, take their time for such a repetition obtaining thus an even better preparation for the MPU conversation which is submitted to the dictation of efficiency, i.e. quick answering. A debriefing is normally not necessary and can often be met by a phone call. Should, however, complications have arisen in the examination, or should the client get a negative result - which can never be excluded - especially if not wrong answers, but medical issues or difficulties with the performance test were the cause, it may be necessary to exchange views more intensively in an own session.

Yet, if you follow the advice which I will give you during MPU counseling, that is if you check the medical evidence as well as your fitness and health, and if you study the contents of our coaching thus preparing yourself carefully for the MPU, you will have excellent chances of a positive expertise.


Since the question concerning the scope and costs of my coaching can be narrowed down for the point reduction, the diverse single services and the standard case of a MPU counseling, since yet the variants of this counseling cannot be clarified before an informative consultation has brought us together or a careful analysis has revealed your situation, I propose that you follow the advice I repeatedly have given on this web portal. Call me, arrange an informative consultation and let us carefully look at your situation in one and a half hours. There is no obligation involved in this informative consultation: you just have received the privilege to get an honest assessment of your situation and personally get to know me, your maybe future coach. You can decide yourself if you want to hand over to me the future matter of your driver's license, i.e. if you want to accept one of my offers to be optimally prepared and thus be able to go into the MPU with confidence. You will then not be empty-handed, but you will be able to demonstrate to the expert that you have confronted your issue with professional help and honest own engagement. You will claim that you have a justified and justifiable title to receive a positive expertise and the allowance to drive.

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