Sicher am Steuer

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Office, Consulting Hours and Appointment

Where does the counseling take place?

Meet me at my office in the Orlandostraße 8. You will find it in the heart of Munich, directly at the "Platzl", on the right side of the famous Hofbräuhaus! And this is how you can reach me easily:

By the S-Bahn or U-Bahn:

You can walk to my office, if you take the S-Bahn or U-Bahn to the Marienplatz. You take the direction Isartor and walk straight into the Tal. Then you turn left to the Platzl. Of course, you can take any of the streets you find on the map. You choose the easiest path if you leave the Sparkassenstraße and the Maderbräustraße behind you, until you see the Böhmlerpassage on the left. Go through this passage and then straight ahead. You will thus directly hit the Orlandostraße and finally reach the "Platzl". The entrance to my office is in the Bräuhausstraße, i.e. at the right corner.

Should you not be sure any more, just ask for the Hofbräuhaus. If you stand in front of the main entrance and see the taxi stand on the right side, go to the second taxi and yes, you have reached the entrance door to my office.

With the Car:

If you come with the car or need a parking space, I recommend that you drive to the Isartor and then into the Tal. On the first traffic light, turn right into the Hochbrückenstraße. Drive this street nearly to the end until you find on the left side – before the Hildegardstraße – the park garage. Alternatively, you can try the park garage at the opera. From there, you can walk in a couple of minutes along the Maximilianstraße and Kosttor to my office.

When can we work?

I will gladly make our appointments considering your needs. I teach from Monday to Thursday and can offer you the following hours:

  1. 1. Session: 10 am to 11:30 am
  2. 2. Session: 11:30 am to 1 pm
  3. 3. Session: 1 pm to 2:30 pm
  4. Phone: 2:30 pm to 4 pm
  5. Break: 4 pm to 4:30 pm
  6. 4. Session: 4:30 pm to 6 pm
  7. 5. Session: 6 pm to 7:30 pm

Although a coaching session officially last 75 minutes, just take yourself one and a half hours time for each visit to allow for flexibility. This also applies to the informative consultation, for we have a lot to talk about. Only the counseling in the probationary period ends after one hour, the time frame set by the professional association.

How can I make an appointment?

If you can come at any of these times, and if you would like to work with me, just call me at my business hours. Should I be engaged in a session, I will gladly call back when I am free. This will typically be in my phone hour between 2:30 pm and 4 pm or in the evening after 7:30 pm. We can then calmly talk and make an appointment for a first informative consultation. There, it will be possible to discuss your case in detail and make further plans.

Tip: Why don't you fill out my Contact Form right away! It allows you to explain your situation and to give me important information beforehand.

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